
MA – Director of Education Systems

BA – Education






Math coordinator. For about 15 years.


Waiting to start

Dikal Polacco

How a math program that incorporates situations from everyday life will affect math anxiety and a sense of competence among 5th 6th - grades pupils

General background
Every person needs basic mathematical knowledge to succeed in life, yet some people
experience fear and anxiety towards mathematics since childhood during the learning
process. This phenomenon is known as mathematical anxiety. (Maloney & Retanal, 2020)
This study aims to research students' math anxiety and self-efficacy in a learning process
based on situations from everyday life. The study examines the impact of a mathematical
program constructed from daily life situations on mathematical anxiety and self-efficacy.
Nowadays mathematical skills and abilities are essential for successful integration into
society. Mathematical calculation skills and challenges are everywhere every day. People
with a mathematical barrier who cannot cope with mathematical calculations damage
their possibilities of success, both in the learning process and in many other aspects of life.
Avoiding math can be caused by many reasons. For example, lack of proper learning,
mathematical anxiety, a feeling of inability, and more. Out of the difficulty comes the
avoidance of learning, math anxiety, and loss of sense of adaptation. Understanding
mathematical anxiety and finding tools for improving self-efficacy will help develop ways
to reduce anxiety and enable empowerment. (Ashcraft & Moore, 2009)
When people refrain from performing everyday mathematical tasks, they cause a delay in
other areas of their life. To reduce math anxiety, one can use unique forms of math
instruction, like mathematical topics based on everyday life situations mathematical topics
are based on situations from everyday life. A program containing explicit rules, a strong
conceptual basis, cumulative review and practice, and motivation help to maintain
students' interest and involvement. (Sowanto & Kusumah, 2018)
Exposing the student to a curriculum based on situations from everyday life, while
providing an emotional response in each lesson. May help cope with math anxiety to reach
students who are unable to study conventionally and those who we may think can be
taught. We aim to help students achieve the feeling of success – making learning more
efficient and helpful.